Lisney is committed to ensuring that this website is accessible to everyone. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the accessibility of this site, please contact us at We are continually working to improve the experience for all visitors.
We have tried to ensure that our site meets the following technical standards:
- Accessibility: We aim to maintain every page of our site at WAI AAA compliance level.
- Code: The site is produced using W3C XHTML 1.0 for code clarity.
- Formatting: In line with W3C recommendations, all formatting is in a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) file. You can disable this file and see a “plain text” version of the site if you prefer.
The website has also been designed to be compatible with most browsers. Older browser versions which lack CSS compatibility can still access the site although the content may display without its graphical layout.
The site may be viewed in any browser or Internet device. However it is best viewed in one that complies with web standards created by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
To help you get the most out of this browsing this site, please read the following:
- Some pages on this website by necessity contain Adobe Pdf and Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint content.
- For information about Pdf accessibility, visit the Adobe website.
- For information about Word, Excel and Powerpoint accessibility, visit the Microsoft website.
- All data tables have summary tags and blank summary tags for layout tables. Data tables are coded using Row and Column titles.
- Many links use the title attribute, which describes the links in more detail.
- All images use an alt tag or long description tag. Blank alt tags are used for bulleted-list images, spacer images, etc.
- Standard stylesheets have been developed which size fonts consistently across all supported browsers. Stylesheets are used to control the presentation of all web pages and the use of a sans-serif font is set as default. If a browser does not support stylesheets, the content of each page is still readable.
- All forms are coded using label and id attributes.
- Websites that are designed by and in conjunction with the Web Office are validated for XHTML 1.0 Transitional using the markup validator and Level 2 Web Accessibility referencing the WAI guidelines.
- We aim to make this website as accessible as possible to all our users. We have tried to ensure that all text throughout the site can be scaled up and down as you require it.
- In most of the modern browsers, the ‘text size’ option can be found in the ‘view’ menu in the top left of the browser window.
We have tried to ensure that all of the pages on this site are readable in most browsers. In particular we have checked compatibility with the latest versions of the most used browsers such as:
- Internet Explorer
- Mozilla Firefox
- Safari (Mac OSX & Windows)
- Google Chrome
The current site utilises the latest HTML and CSS techniques to ensure that all pages will print in ‘print friendly’ format.
This ‘print friendly’ format removes navigation from the printed page as well as background colours allowing you to print only the information you want in a very easy to read way.
If you are viewing this site with JavaScript enabled you will find that some of the pages contain a link to ‘print page’. This is a shortcut to your browsers ‘print’ option.
If you do not have JavaScript you will have to navigate to the print option of your browser.
In most of the modern browsers, the ‘print’ option can be found within the ‘file’ menu in the top left of the browser window.
If you are still having problems navigating or accessing content on this site then please feel free to get in touch with us at