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Lisney Set To Go The Distance For NI Homeless Charity

Staff at leading commercial property agent Lisney are set to take part in the 2016 Deep River Rock Belfast City Marathon, the latest in a series of fundraising events in support of the Simon Community NI.


Sixteen members of staff, comprising three relay teams each headed up by a company Director, have been fundraising since January for Northern Ireland’s largest homeless charity as part of the firm’s first-ever charity partnership.

Lisney’s Marketing Manager Chris Campbell, who coordinates the charity partnership, is taking on the full 26.4-mile challenge as the firm aims to reach its target of raising £10,000 for the charity during 2016.

Chris commented:

“We are thrilled at the enthusiasm within the office for all the fundraising activities that we have carried out to date and have planned for the future.

“I was apprehensive about pledging to do the entire marathon, but with nearly half the staff in the office deciding to take part too I’m really glad I did.

“We anticipate that the sum raised from our endeavours will bring us that bit closer to reaching our £10,000 annual fundraising target, every penny counts so suffering for a few days with sore legs is a very small price to pay.”

Declan Flynn, Managing Director of Lisney, added:

“I’m extremely proud of the generosity our staff have displayed since we announced our charity partnership with the Simon Community in January – they have devoted their time, energy and money to making this partnership a success.”

Northern Ireland’s largest homeless charity, the Simon Community NI, provides housing for the homeless and advice for those at risk of becoming homeless in Northern Ireland. The charity aims to facilitate those in need throughout the transition back into independent living.

The money raised by Lisney will assist the charity in providing vital resources for those in need. Of particular interest to the company is the Simon Community’s 24-hour helpline, a service privately funded by the charity through donations which offers invaluable advice to callers.

Brian Shanks, a Fundraising Coordinator for the Simon Community NI, said:

“Homelessness is a growing problem in Northern Ireland, but it is not always a visible one. Whilst government collect figures on the number of people presenting to the Northern Ireland Housing Executive as homeless, this is only the tip of the iceberg, as the 33,000 calls we receive to our helpline every year suggest this is a much wider problem.

“As a frontline service provider, we are constantly full to capacity, and so much more resource and support is needed to help us address homelessness.

“We are delighted that Lisney has taken on the challenge of completing the Belfast Marathon all in aid of the work we do here at Simon Community, and to raise awareness of this important issue.”

By lisney
28th April 2016