The subject property comprises of a ‘ready to go’ rectangular, level plot of development land that benefits from full reserved matters planning consent for 67 units, with an article 161 agreement formalised.
The approved scheme allows for the construction of a very marketable mixed house type development accessed off the Ballyclare Relief Road (Jubilee Road) with Service ducts brought to the boundary.
Please note: Further land with full planning approval may be available as part of the wider scheme.
The subject property comprises of a ‘ready to go’ rectangular, level plot of development land that benefits from full reserved matters planning consent for 67 units, with an article 161 agreement formalised.
The approved scheme allows for the construction of a very marketable mixed house type development
The subject property comprises of a ‘ready to go’ rectangular, level plot of development land that benefits from full reserved matters planning consent for 67 units, with an article 161 agreement formalised.
The approved scheme allows for the construction of a very marketable mixed house type development accessed off the Ballyclare Relief Road (Jubilee Road) with Service ducts brought to the boundary.
Please note: Further land with full planning approval may be available as part of the wider scheme.
Drainage capacity and consent to discharge available via article 161 agreement
Planning ref – LA03/2020/088/RM No social/affordable element
8.42 acres (3.41 ha). Further lands may be available
Broadly rectangular level land fronting onto the recently completed Ballyclare Relief Road
Mixed type scheme comprising 67 units (19 detached, 40 semi-detached and 8 townhouses)
Ballyclare is a popular market town, within easy reach of central Belfast c.13 miles
Close to schools, retail and leisure amenities and a proposed neighbourhood convenience retail scheme
Ballyclare is a popular market/commuter town located within the Greater Belfast/Antrim & Newtownabbey Council areas.
Situated c.13 miles from Belfast city centre, the town has recently seen considerable residential growth with a number of schemes completed or underway within the fully approved Urban Extension.
The town benefits from proximity to strong infrastructure links/ major roads network (M2), bus routes, the ports at Larne and Belfast, as well as the International airport at Aldergrove.
The subject lands lie to the north west of the traditional town centre and have an extensive frontage to the recently completed Ballyclare Relief Road (Jubilee Road).
Ballyclare is a popular market/commuter town located within the Greater Belfast/Antrim & Newtownabbey Council areas.
Situated c.13 miles from Belfast city centre, the town has recently seen considerable residential growth with a number of schemes completed or underway within the fully approved Urban
Ballyclare is a popular market/commuter town located within the Greater Belfast/Antrim & Newtownabbey Council areas.
Situated c.13 miles from Belfast city centre, the town has recently seen considerable residential growth with a number of schemes completed or underway within the fully approved Urban Extension.
The town benefits from proximity to strong infrastructure links/ major roads network (M2), bus routes, the ports at Larne and Belfast, as well as the International airport at Aldergrove.
The subject lands lie to the north west of the traditional town centre and have an extensive frontage to the recently completed Ballyclare Relief Road (Jubilee Road).
Stamp Duty will be the liability of the purchaser.
As a business carrying out estate agency work we are required to verify the identity of both the vendor and the purchaser as outlined in
the following: The Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 – Any information and documentation provided by you will be held for a period of five years from when you cease to have a contractual relationship with Lisney. The information will be held in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on our client file and will not be passed on to any other party, unless we are
required to do so by law and regulation.
David McNellis
07887 911 077
Simon Brien
07721 767 777
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