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Cathal Daughton

Senior Director
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Cathal Daughton

Senior Director, Industrial, Development Land & New Homes

As a Senior Director of Lisney, Cathal oversees our Industrial & Logistics, Development Land, and New Homes Departments. He has specialised in the disposal and acquisition of industrial space and development land for our corporate occupier, landlord, investor, institutional and development clients.

He joined us in 1997 and has worked in both the Professional Services and Transactional Departments, where he was involved in the valuation, acquisition, and disposal of land and properties all over Ireland. In 2007, Cathal was appointed to Lisney’s Board of Directors and is a current shareholder in the business.

He is in charge of our all-property services contract with Dublin Port Company advising the Port on all aspects of their vast property portfolio and in particular the development of Dublin Inland Port on the M50. He also provides nationwide property advice to CRH and has been overseeing the strategic and master planning of many of their more urban-based sites including Huntstown (industrial) and Blessington (residential). He also advises Respond and Oaklee Housing on acquiring sites for social housing and cost rental modelling.

He holds a BSc in Surveying from Dublin Institute of Technology and an MBS in Financial Services from UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School. He is a member of the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. Cathal is currently an Assistant Lecturer on the Masters in Real Estate course at TU Dublin and has also been an external examiner for the Property Economics Degree Course. He is a member of Property Industry Ireland (PII) Planning & Development Committee which discusses the vast changes in our Planning Legislation.


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