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The Move: Top Tips for an Easy Moving Day

Congratulations! You’ve accepted an offer, contracts are signed and you’re nearly ready to settle in to your new pad!

But before you can enjoy your new abode, there is bubble wrap to buy, boxes to pack and unpack, and movers to hire. How do you manage it all? Don’t worry- our experienced negotiators have been in your shoes before and know the in’s and out’s of moving house. Read on for our top tips and tricks from Lisney Divisional Director Ciarán Cassidy.

Whether your sale closes on the same day that your new purchase completes or you need to spend some time with Mammy and Daddy before getting the keys to your home, there are a few ways to speed the moving process along from the get-go.

As we’ve mentioned before, decluttering early can only help out your sale from the beginning, so getting your extra bits and bobs out of the way early is key. ‘Declutter your house as much as you can prior to putting it on the market and put your excess furniture into storage or a garage. The more presentable your house is, the quicker the sale,’ Ciarán says. While your agent is handling the details of your soon-to-be-sale, you can get a head start on moving by filling boxes with household items or clothes that aren’t in use and storing them away.

When it comes to packing up the rest of your household items, adopt the same philosophy. Box up rooms that are less commonly used first, like the guest bedroom and the living room before moving into the bedrooms and kitchen.

While packing up, set aside a box or suitcase with essentials…your toiletries, a change of clothes or two and anything you need on a day-to-day basis. These necessities will be within easy reach during those first few hectic days of unpacking in your new place. Finally, don’t forget to clearly label every box with the room its contents belong to so unpacking will be a breeze.

When mapping out your plan-of-action for move day, factor in a Plan B in case a wrench is thrown into the mix. It’s best to be prepared with a place to crash if a moving emergency arises – anything from a concern with the contracts to works in your new home not being completed on time. Think ahead and have a hotel booking at the ready or confirmation to stay with family if needed.

To make things run as smoothly as possible on the day of the move, Ciarán has one golden tip. ‘Hiring a removal company to move you from one house to the next is probably the best money you will spend and it’s less stressful than moving everything yourself, not to mention safer.’ To cut down on cost, consider collecting strong boxes to fill and label yourself so everything can be ready for the movers.

If you’re upsizing to accommodate a growing family, there will be more boxes, bits and people to keep track of. ‘Moving with kids is not easy,’ Ciarán sympathizes. ‘A good tip is to let them pick out something new for the new bedroom, such as a toy, a throw for their bed or a poster for their wall.’ Getting your little ones involved in all steps of the moving process – from decluttering toys to shopping for new furniture and unpacking boxes—will help them understand the change and ease the transition.

When the moving vans have unloaded all of your belongings in your new space, it will be time to start unpacking. ‘After spending weeks or even months packing up when moving house, now it’s time to unpack everything again and often this can be a daunting task.’ Ciarán reminds you to not panic. ‘Each box should relate to each room. Start by unpacking the essentials first. Then, unpack the kitchen as this is the room you’ll most likely use the most. Move on to the bedrooms and bathrooms and finally, the utility room last.’

Keep the kids occupied by asking them to help out in unpacking their toys or hanging pictures while you tackle the larger projects.

When the final box is unpacked and the last picture frame hung, you’ve finally done it. From market appraisal to moving van, you’ve sold your first house. Really, there’s only one left thing to do. Celebrate with a house warming for friends, family and neighbours!

Ready to Move?

At Lisney, we understand how daunting the sales process can seem. Our knowledgeable agents are here to help you make your move, simply. Give us a call today to book your free market appraisal then follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for the latest Irish property updates. 

By lisneyweb
23rd January 2019